Life in Groningen

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Yes I'm back, though not fully recovered.
I came home late last..... err... early this morning (4.30). I had a party, cause a friend of mine turned 18 today (that means we went bonkers after 24.00).
We had a blast. So cheers to Niels! This means he can drive us to the matches upcoming season and we can stay an average half an hour longer to empty the beer stock of the local canteen. W00tness.
Next thing: Arjan got his army box................................<-that's me being silent, in fear of waking up the fex, it's HUGE! (read: humongous).
Anyhoo, I read the battle report in the last WD and it realy put some gasoline on my love for DeathWatch. This means I WILL get some (maybe even a Librarian).
Problem is I'll have to wait like 3 to 4 years till alien hunters comes out to get the Inquisitor I want. :'( (doesnt mean I can't get my DW already...)

Arg, blurg.... hnnnngngnnnn, flap, BAM! au....... Jaja, mijn eerste geluiden vanochtend.... oh wacht vanmiddag. Gister feest want een van mn beste kameraden is 18 geworden, YAY! Gefeliciteerd Niels (beter voor ons, dan kan hij ons volgend seizoen naar de wedstrijden rijden, zodat we gemiddeld een half uur langer kunnen blijven om de bier voorraad van de locale kantine droog te leggen.)

Anyhoo, t was een mooie 4u 30 voor dat ik mn bed vond. Dikke lol met cabaratier Klaas (op dvd) en een overmaat van Bier en "koffie" zoals Niek het noemde (lees wodka in theekop). Wel jammer dat de rest van Veendam in DW zat ipv Zenith (verdraaide schoolfeesten waar je constant over bruggers en neo's struikelt)


PS: Verdraaid Jochum je hebt gelijk, elke dag updaten is onmogelijk.



At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

battleforce it is. Armybox is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to expensive.
But my carni is already underway. I'm just waiting till the next WD, there's an entire article on how to build your carnifex ^^

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops sorry, anyhoo just writing this down so I'll remember it:

phew, Remind me to go and play rugby in the hallways here at school after finalsweek.


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Maarten said...

Updating every day isn't that hard. Just skip school :)


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