FINALLY! after 6 frikkin years!
anyway without further ado my list:
---------------------School exam:---Centrals:---End:
Social Studies*2..........8............--........8
Classic Cultural Ed ......6............--........6
Math B1,2.................68...........56........6
Physics 1,2...............76...........74........8
Chemistry 1,2.............71...........71........7
Little explanation for TAS:
*ANW loosely translated: Common Science, a sunject that teaches you to think somewhat "out of ze box" and explains some of todays universal views of nature. Simple as hell.
*2 Social Studies (loose translation, but the best I could think of) teaches about moral values and lwas and stuff.
I only had 5 subjects for my central exams, the rest were either finished some years ago (last year or the previous), or didn't need a central exam.
Add up the school ex and the centrals together dived by to and round up if it's ,5 or higher and round down if it's ,4 or lower (74 being a 7 and 76 being an 8)
in short: WOOOOOTS! muthafucka! LETS PARTAAAY!
Speaking of such things, last nights party at Rens' place was simply AWESOME! it rocked! Just chilling in the backyard with too much beer, strong booze and crisps! man that was sweet!
I'll be giving mine when my parents are away for two weeks (I'll be sending ya'll a mail) Speaking of parties at my place I finally got the pics up of my B-0day bash last winter:

I think that speaks for itself. All in all 8 crates were consumed, not to mention the liquor/wine/vodkja and stuff.
Or just those out for a laugh
That's the matress that Emiel kinda puked all over....
Ok in other news: I've decided NOT to trie and finish ALL the C&C campaigns in a row. I'm gonna finish the tinsun campaigns first. The C&C'95 and RA1 campaigns will have to wait untill my parents leave since It's a bitch changing from that old 15" tube to the dual flats every time (and Ima lazy ass biznatch!)
hmmm... what more... OH YEAH! WE ... ok the Dutch squad won another match in the world cup! And with 2-1.... MONEY! (it's a peanut amount of money, but hey gimme teh creds for guessing it right!) That's the second time I guessed it right. You'd better recognise!
I s'pose that's about it, thursday I'm going to Marjon in Blijham (teehee, d'you realsie that's "HappyHam" when translated litterally). We're gonna trash here place... well at least we're gonna party all night long....
I think I'll put up a rant about why my friends'(plural form) sisters are on average pretty darn cute. And I'll be putting up a series of post that will show my plans that will eventually lead up to my summer/graduation/lookatmeIhavefriends-bash.
I need to rig up something not to burn the grass again, cause I can clean up the house withn two weeks, but I can't make the grass grow faster (against popular belief I know!).
PS: Forgive me for mentioning this and I hope this doesn't result in a nightmare spree across the globe, but if human flesh is simmilar to pork... I think I'd rather have a fried digit then a steak...........
not enough energy to spellcheck and I just realised that it would have been funnier to switch the two linkpics. Cause the second one is teh gross and the first one is teh funny.
I was gonna say something else here... But I forgot... OMFG KORSAKOV!!!...
HAH! fooled ya! My head's just not working fit atm :p
Im familar with SS, did it back in high school, but havent touched it since...
Common Sci is a new one... Although thinking outside of ze box NEEDS an acutal course now.. Good lord..
Garden Terror looks good, but it needs more destruction and mayhem, Yessssssssssssssss!!
Gee, after Sisters now :p In need of groupie lovin?
Hmm, i think id prefer steak over a fried digit, something about eating a cooked finger doesnt sound too appealing.. Although ehh, if its cooked well and has some flavor go for it. ALthough finger?! Psht, that be like eating a chicken wing... Go for something like upper arms of the entire torso region, now that be full of good meat.
Reminds me of a movie i once saw when the meal was some cooked dude being taken out... Cant remember what movie it was though...
yeah well, this came up in my head when I put 1 and 2 together:
1-I prefer pork over veal(sp?)
2-human flesh is supposed to be simmilar to pork
1+2=I'd prefer a fried digit over veal........
yes switch the pics ^^
Did I tell you I found another beer cap last weekend (in the garden that is!)
hmmm pork. You'd better eat pork..
somehow...just SOMEHOW...after a couple of comments your spamboys tend to drag the level of conversation down.
while typing...some Italian elbows an American in his eye..BLOOD!!!
That's a very deserved red card.
Mmmm blooood... So yeah.. about that human flesh thing... How similar is human flesh to pork? Cos yeah.. Hunger.. yessssssssssssss
....I'd eat the prok and keep yo own digits to ya hands bway.
oh yeah, now I remember what I wanted to say:
The grade table is a bit shanky, but you're pretty able to see which grade falls under which line. (why does blogger work with different text styles in edit)
well, there are some pics that rock! but they don't cover the party fully i'm afraid.. ^^
[ those pics of emiel's shit, I don't want to talk about! BLUGH! ]
Nice list
looking forward to all the parties! damn! sweeeet holidays! party here, party there, vacation here, vacation there! WHOOHOOO!!!
I guess TAS & I are missing something here??
Let's send in Slaanesh..she'll know what to do ;)
I think I'll put up a rant about why my friends'(plural form) sisters are on average pretty darn cute.
that says enough now doesn't it! ^^
He should enlist for that new political party ^^
I dont do Sisters :P
In the sexual meaning of the statement....
ah c'mon do sisters..especially with their kinky bolters..erm *whistles like he said nothing*
you guys are sick! *lol* can be so funny when someone doesn't understand the context :D:D
you know, I think I'm gonna cut out that part from that episode (oooh, nice and vague huh!) of "the wire" where they re-assess that crime scene and post it online :P
it's just so damn funny!
how do you cut it out???
Cause then I'll cut out the Hood-chess part of 1.03.
hmmm hyve orgies.
well we are genetically superior ^^
I forgot to mention: CHATLOG STATUS!
goota make me a new post... well tomorrow than, after Marjon's party.
Mwahhahaha CHAT LOG!!!
Wonder how many more entries will pop up before the next update...
-TAS least this random spam for the sake of spamming spampost.
omfg...i'm so weak as a man can be! Marjon's party rocked!!!
But, very happy, because I found 700 E. on my bankaccount... WHOOHOO!!
I wish more money suddenly appeared in my bank account...
So this will be the 28th comment, can we see 30 before the lazy boy updates?
Hell yeah.
@TAS: you're money has a way of finding it's way into the GW wallet.
Yeah true it does find its way there, although at least its cheaper than normal, so it aint too bad. Id imagine less of it goes back to GW since i shop Indy style :D
And lazy bastard hasnt updated and we have now hit the 30th comment...
oh my god, you are the lazy not updating ass over here E!
ah well... I've spend a bit in Groningen on friday, so the 700 mark is gone.. but..
My employer has givin me some money (170E) so... it's okay^^ if I put that in my bank account it will hit 700 again..^^
but, i've got a lot of expences, (think GF/insurance etc/vacation/etc.)
ah well, life is good, and now go update you bum!
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