woo! pics!
Well chris here's the first pic, I be guessin'arjan already showed you this one though.
I'll try and post some more soon, but those need some fiddling with.
I'll be sure to post some non-40k related stuff too. I might just take the cam to friday's party... if my old man lets me.
well, here it is:

oooh.. aaaaah.... etc etc.
It's my ... third sniper that came out of the modelling wagon, I';m VERy pleased with the GS-work on the legs, I also like the way the pistol scope turned out ( I cut it off of a scout BP). And as opposed to the other two, this guy has an actual scout hand on his left arm, where as the other fellows were toting da biggerised space marine hands.
oh well it's dinnertime,
-EDIT, after eating and watching Boy Meets World-reruns(sue me):-
That scout hand was a pain in the big bag o nuts to get. It's the hand holding the shotgun. It's cut of very roughly, make sure you get the entire hand, any access plastic shotgun is then filed off with a "round" file (aka rattale). It's a hassle, but it looks way better then a Space Marine hand, they're too big.
-Edit end-
yeah Arjan showed me the pic already and i was MORE than just impressed with your work on the mini!
The GS work looks excellent (I love how the basing has turned out).
Plus posing wise it looks alot better than some of the new plastic scout stuff on their own.
So overall great work on the mini!
This ain't no erwin porn...
* thank you dear God, thank you! *
did I say I'd post it here? noooo I said I'd spam yr mail with it.....
hmmmmm maybe even the RL mail.... teehee
no Erwin porn...there isn't any Erwin nudity that can be filed under porn. Only horror...just plain gory horror.
In a week or two I will make more decent set-up pics of my WIP stuff.
First I've got to buy new Ink. Have to work a bit, study a bit..and drink a lot..erm...a bit :P
teehee ^^
Work, drink work party!
yeah yeah we all know it will end up being a lot arjan. You can't helpo it, it's just what you are.
We will take your word that Erwin porn = Horror. With that in mind, any girls that read that, will probably go eww from now on :P
Ill get pics of my WIP stuff eventually....
ah but I am teh godlike, my visage is teh ownage!
mmm... yeah well, taste is different for boys and little girls! Thank the lord!
allthough Erwin may have a godlike porn body, I don't need to see it.. mainly because he probably doesn't have such a body, and otherwise i don't want to get jealous! :P (that is spellen wrong? it looks like a weird word to me)
the word 'WIP' and porn are interacting very very strangely.
damn AB what's with the witty remakrs lately!
Well if he was still 15, his pornographic body and WIP would literally go hand in hand :P
Although, his body could still be a WIP thing if he chooses to work at it..
Why in the hell do half your threads become porn based....
it's more the thing that the Dutch word 'wip' means something along the lines of 'a fuck' ;)
This page is crazy : )
wohoo...another roll call :D
new york boyo ? WTF beens, what sort of people do you know?
check their referrals. It's hilarious.
Belgium: googled for 'Gert Jan Backx'..and Erwin mentioned Gert Jan..and mentioned a misfigured form of 'back'.
on to the US: someone looked for Lindsay Lohan...and Erwin mentioned Lindsay Lohan in one of his post titles.
2nd US: someone searched for screenhunter on google images..and came across a snapshot which Erwin took when he was downloading stuff.
So that's how he gets hits from across the globe ;)
... ehm... referrals? how do you know all this? (noobzorz me I know, but still...)
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