I repeat: this is NOT a chatroom.
pun intended ofcourse.
But AB has a point, 22 replies is reason for an update.
Yes Marjon does have the strange habit of turning green when she's on liquids and grass. And my old folks won't be too happy when they smell the stuff.
I would have had more chicks over but seen there are more girls that have an actual job then guys...... 1 plus 1 equals two.... very few chicks.
Ah hell we'll see what happens, as it stands we have enough guys with gf's and enough guys who don't stand a chance (even with the girls being drunk) to give me a decent chance.
But first lets brake my head over 1000 english words, a documentation dingie for dutch, literature, chemistry and math... weeeee... in between coaching a girls A (aged 16-18 yay) team and playing a volley maych myself.
And if I get some time off it's to the drawing board for some cabaret....-ing.....