Life in Groningen

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Okay, maybe not last night.

But at least I write stuff. So, here's the gig. Women still seem to be able to find the time in their scedule to confuse and piss me off at the same time. How do they do it?
It's like they have a list of 10 life goals and I'm number 5 or something.
1- Get laid with awesome hot superstar guy (or girl... whatevah!)
2- Become president of the US
3- Kill all nerds
4- do something else that is impossible (and stupid to boot)
5- Make Erwin's life miserable once in a while. Make it so miserable that he feels the need to torture you senseless in your own basement with your dads motorised lawnmower.
6/10- Rest of the list which consists of pretty much viable goals, like marrying a decent spaghetti monster fearing guy and getting two children, a dog and a water fountain in the back yard.

'nough ranting, back to beaswax.
I did some reconnesance of the schools premises today. And Operation rundergehakt is a go. the 11th of may will be something the school hasn't witnessed in quite some time. I can't tell ya mutch. All I can say is that we'll be neading gloves, rope and a bitchass load of ductape.

Having said that, the onlything remaining is that I've nearly completed the construction of my four plastic DIY sniper scouts. I only need to wait for arjan to bring back a new lascannon marine for me and the fourth custom rifle will be done.
I'll post pics when they're combat ready (including the paintjob).


PS: I REALLy, need to get something on before the 11th of May, dayum too much hotness all over :|
