Life in Groningen

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm on to the short stuff now.

the new foamy is in, Pancake Madness. It's a bit short and uninspired, but still fun.

anyway I got a message (more of a harty slap on the shoulder) from maarten that I needed to do the dutch piece anyway. So nothing to do then make looong friggin blogs everytime.
In other news: YES IM ALLL DOEN WITH EVERYTHING!!!!! I turned in my "why we didn't finish our classic art paper" paper today, turned in my books, got half my grades in ( my English went from a 7.8 (out of 10) to a 6.6... not good. But on the other hand all my profile subs are great! YAY


op vriendelijk verzoek van M en H weer n stukkie nederlands. here goes^^
YES ik heb nu ECHT alles voor school ingeleverd: mijn "waarom wij KCv niet af hadden" verslag, de boeken en ik heb de helft van mn cijfers binnen, ott nu toe positief!
zelfs Frans^^
Alleen mn Engels SE is van een 78 naar een 66 gegaan :( bummer.

Daarnaast weer mijn dagelijkse goede daad gedaan, Ernst aan Sk2 boek geholpen dat hij kwijt was^^ (np e-bean)


PS: It seems a lil asian chick kinda likes me....... all i gotta do is find out which class that was^^


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

*weeps in a corner*

I have only one thing to say:

"Do you have a boyfriend? Yes?

-CK!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111" - meh

good thing im away for the week with a 2 on 1 ratio :'(


Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Nuts? Who? Me? Naaaaah!

I just saw the news today. A woman in Iran was sentenced to rape (yes involuntary sex) by a local judge. Apparently (sweet word it is) she had done something wrong. But what?

The thing was her little BROTHER had a relationship with a girl from another tribe. Which brought a shame upon the family.......... OH NOES! the shame!
pff wankers. Okay Bush, if you wanna invade a country try this one!

Resistence is futile any way in fifty years they'll be like the western world:
they'll all be drinking coke, having sex with everyone, telling those damn Africans to stop fighting over the neatly layed out borders, cause they're strait lines they are^^, and we're proud of it that we made such beautiful strait lines back in the days and crying "Yay in fifty years we'll have operational Nuclear Fusion" for the next hundred years!

And if that makes sence to you, you need help, cause you have issues, you, you, you PERSON!

Yes, you guessed it I'm not too sharp today. The stress has taken us all, the testweek is over, we got all our practicals in (more or less) and I still have to do shit tomorrow.

As said before: I'm of to Rome on Friday WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!

I got 8.3 out of ten on a Dutch test WITHOUT DOING A THING!
We had a physics test today and one guy had all the answers in his formula book.....
And I got an 8 out of 10 on my literature.... it was 3 books and a historical text, I read 2,5 books......

Erwin of his knocker

PS: I'll try to find a decent webcafé in Rome though, so I can be a plague to you even when I'm not there^^



Sunday, June 26, 2005

EYE am working

Yes I am hard at work for school. (damn them) I got four assignments to finish by tuesday and I got two tests tomorrow and two tests on tuesday. The good thing is, I'm having fun at working on most of the assignments.
This is what I mean:

That's the front cover of my biology assignment. (it says "eye for detail")
It's about the parts of the body we look at on the first glance.
Other than that there's not much news.
Oh yeah, after upcoming friday I wont update for at least a week, I'll be in Rome.
I know you won't mind, cause I'm just talking shit here, but don't say I didn't warn you doods!

Oh, yeah and I started blacklining and highlighting ALL my marines this weekend. So far I did 4 or 5 I think. (When I'm done with all of them I'll post them somewhere to please m'lord Chris)


PS: If people start bugging me at school this week, they're in for a serious mouth shitting!
