The shit
Aw yeeeaaah.
You see that? Now that's one sweet looking blog. Took me a while before I got the proper sizes done. It's made for resolutions of 1024px or wider. So if it looks jagged at all and you've got your screen at 1024/768 or higher, tell me. I'll see if I can fix it.
Upcoming week I'll start updating the links section too. Thinking of killing of the rest of my blogs (those that never really got off the ground). And I think I can scratch E-Bean as well as he hasn't been updating for far longer then me. As for new links I'll probably need to divide them into blogs and other stuff. Adding LL, Utube, G-video and such is on the agenda.
As far as post content is considered. I'll be jabbering about stuff that (dis)pleases me in general and once in a while I'll embed a stream and comment on that. I've been following a discussion (or digital war if you will) between the scientologist community and a group called "Anonymous". It's pretty interesting and it once again shows how little some people think about what they're actually doing in this world. For themselves, their friends and the rest of the populous.
As for now, my hand is starting to hurt like a midget with a pointy stick on speed. And I still need that sucker next week for the last volleyball match of the season.
See you guys, next time.
PS: Don't forget to comment on the new layout, you webmonkeys, you!