well pics are up...
...sooner then I'd expected:
I'm done with the first scout, it's the heavy bolter dude.
The full pic is a bit weird because I had to remaster it (pics were made during sunset)
So here we go:

That's the Heavy bolter scout fropm squad Koren. (see list below)
But that's not really why I wanted to post pics, I could've waited untill the rest was done.
The real reason is that I did my first (freehand) chapter badge and squad marking, yay!

Ah yes, my beautifully freehanded chapter badge, I tried painting some wings (mainly something that looked like the dark angel ones) but it's farking hard! So I simplified them a bit, but it still takes me longer to paint this little piece than it takes me to paint a helmet half blue. You see the winged lightning bolt that is the result. I'm very pleased with it nonetheless. Also you can see the company marking in the bottom left, said company being the tenth "scout" company.

The arrow suggesting Troops (though with scouts that is quite obvious, besides it's actually the "tactical" marking and the III suggests squad three of the company.
I know the lines look a bit sloppy,
but keep in mind that in real life that little masterpiece is

Well actually a little bit smaller even, but I don't wanna be responsible for any eye damage received while forcing your face within dangerous proximities of your screen.
I'll be seeing ya and you'll be seeing more spiffyness soon, same web same site (cheesy),