Well I'd like to tell you about the Athenegames. It's a big sports event directed by the University of Groningen. 32 schools from all over the Netherlands participated (including us). We had a FUCKING great time. As you might be able to see from some of the pics:

Click it and check the pics. My eye's just couldn't be kept of the beautiful redhead in the middle of the pic above... Prob is she lives like 300K's south :'(
Back to the games: There were 8 different disciplines: Soccer (girls and guys), volleybal (guys), basketball (chicks :P:P), tennis (both), wallclimbing (mixed), squash (yeah my first expression was "omg wtf" too), athletics (chicks and guys, the participating ladies were very beautiful) aaaand everyones all time favorite: PINGPONG!
Our school came in 17th, which isn't bad as the girl soccer team only had two or three real soccer players and the volleybal team had two semi-oparable volley plaers and one healthy one, and like 5 noobs (they did great though). Though the soccer teams sucked in the first two rounds. We (the volley team), the basketball team, our pingpong star (Milad owns), our athletes, squahser and climber faired pretty well, while the tennis players were performing averagely.
In volleybal we ended up 12th, basketball 10, in soccer we ended up so far behind it's shamefull to mention here, tennis was 17th I think, Athletics was like 20 or something (more on this tomorrow cause I wanna introduce our male athlete (he rocks) and I wanna show some pics of the competetors, which you'll like) Pingpong we ended up 2nd (YAY!) and i don't where our climber and squsher ended up, but it has to be good, to compensate our soccerteams.
Athene spelen: in het kort: UBERVET!
Zoals jullie weten deed ik mee met volleybal, we zijn 12e geworden van de 32, best goed voor een team met twee geblesseerde en één gezonde volleyballer en 5 noobs. Voetbal? Daar wil ik het niet eens over hebben. Tafeltennis ging uber, vraag Milad maar. Klimmen en squash niet echt gevolgd, maar wel goed geëindigd dacht ik. Net als Athletiek (goed gedaan Henk en Lotte!). Met tennis waren we 17e. Met Basketbal 10 ofzo). Uiteindelijk waren we 17e MAAR WEL EEN PLEK VOOR COMMENIUS (18) ! woot!
Natuurlijk dik feet op woensdag, maar daar morgen meer over, samen met wat meer uitbreiding over athletiek en foto's dr bij.
Als je bwt op bovenstaande foto klikt kun je meer foto's van de spelen checken! De dame met het rode haar in het midden had mij ogen twee dagen lang in een betovering (zoals Jochum zei: kwestie van smaak) jammer genoeg woont ze 300 Km ten zuiden van hiero :'(.
tot morgen