Yes Chris, that means I finally got you some pics:
Little too much light, but this way you can at least see the face and the camo.

Sniper... CANNON

Same pic, again with the flash on, so you can actually see what the gun is made of.

The second sniper (still head/armless) standing on top of the corpse mentioned in the previous post.

Nice shot of the holstered BP, I put it there for two reasons: 1. All scouts have one there, 2. It covers up my bad gs work.

A pic of the corpse itself.

A better look at the badge, the little spot on the left is a bullet hole.

Just to show you I haven't been THAT idle.
Other news: yay I got a mobile.... for the number send me a mail or ask me.
Related news: I also got me a new mp3 player, finally no more dull bus rides.
That be about it, I'll go back to my physics, for Keri will have my head if I don't finish this stuuf before tomorrow. And she's one tough cooky!
PS: Yes the pics load slow as santa in summertime, I was too lazy to resize the fuckers.