comic interlude?
Well those were an interesting two... no, wait, three days.
Thursday night was....... astonishingly..... wobly. I never got THAT drunk of just beer in my LIFE! Good thing there wasn't much traffic at 4 in the morning.
Friday I decided that A: I'm gonna study Physics at the University of Groningen next year and B: economic studies are for lame ass, knowledgeless, moneyhungry, sexless pricks. Somewhat like Donald Trump I guess.
Friday night I went to a party of a teammate..... something I do not want to remember all to long. Something along the lines of: NEVER EVER bring left-over booze from an old party to a party hosted by people of strong religion. You'll be accused of being born with the devil. anyway I decided last night in the pub (where we went after the mental rant of my mates mum) that I wasn't going to be a bitch about it. I can understand his mum's POV and respect it at that, but I will never change my ways towards....... our dear friend Dionysos.
Next stop was Enschede for my sis' B-day party. We had fun, food and.... fun. Though I did miss a match..... they.... we actually won 3-1..... probably cause I wasn't there ;)
I am now in various states of fatigueness and my liver has probably taken on every color in the visual spectrum of man within the last 12 hours and it still has more than enough alcohol to process to get a 15 year old German farmhand to act like a dog and chase his tail.
I am now off to bed....... after watching two more B5 episodes and receiving a verbal battering by ye old folks on "(...)enough sleep for you still are an adolescent(...)"
I leave you with a list of thinks to replace a mop:
Who needs a mop when you have...
...a cat
...irregular mussle spasms
... .... ehm, ah think of something yourself!